Student Leadership

Join the Student Leadership for your chance to take part in some great activities and get some fantastic offers.

Guildford College Student Leadership

The Student Leadership Team and Student Executive Team are responsible for helping support and develop the student experience on our campuses. They will run events throughout the year and meet with staff to relay feedback on the changes that will significantly impact our communities. The SLT & SET will have a massive say on how we improve over the course of this year.

Each campus has its own students that form these important teams and act as the voice of our student body. The teams will meet regularly to discuss current issues, develop campaigns, and plan their events. The teams will have specific areas of responsibility that reflect all areas of college life. The SLT can be identified by their dark pink lanyards and SET by their orange lanyards.

All are welcome in the SLT & SET, but you can still attend and contribute your opinion if you are not part of the teams.